Mix Tapes

Why should I not kill myself?

I’m the New Boss!

3AM, streetlights faintly illuminate the streets of your hometown through the fog

Chill electronic shit for walking in the woods

The Guilt of My Existential Footprint Weighs on My Conscience Every Waking Minute

I like him, but he does not like me. And I want to hold on for as long as I can, in case he changes his mind.

My girlfriend is crazy

Work is boring and the aircon isn’t working

I live in Vegas, hate to party

In a shack on the coast of Mexico

Falling into an infinite abyss with a talking dog

Creation is how I keep my sanity


Headphones on. Eyes closed. Music: take me away. [new version]

I do not recognize myself anymore for who I have become, and I want to do nothing about it. Perhaps a playlist that will help me snap out of my reverie.

My problems are meaningless, but they still make me feel bad