Mix Tapes

I’m falling out of love with you, kid

I’m in love with a girl who already has a boyfriend

I am in love with my best friend, but I’m happy enough with “just friends”

My first love is moving away to England. Make me miss him already, before we get into long-distance.

I want to be in love and tragically alone at the same time songs

I want to tell you how much I love you but I feel like it’s too soon for that

I currently have a boyfriend, but I can only wonder what would happen with us if I was single. I need some music I can play him while we drive together, so he understands that I secretly love him, but it just can’t happen.

I Feel More And More Isolated, And I Haven’t Had Sex In 3 Years

Is it allowed for me to sit alone in my room for the rest of the day and ignore everything in my life???

Songs That Are a One Resounding Plea From the Working People of America

I’m losing my mind because I can’t let go of her. I was dumb enough to let my low self-esteem get the better of me.

How are we going to find each other?

Something that sounds like a tropical vacation

I really want to be introduced to black metal

I feel someone’s presence behind me

Mixtape for my long-distance German flirtation