Mix Tapes

Tunes to trim my pubes to

Love Songs

Back to making mixtapes? Back to hopelessly asking for one every week.

Disco sucks and so does war

Free Your Mind

Roommate left the dishes in the sink again, so I’m gonna blast this shit to get back at her

I’m suffering from bad anxiety and feel like nothing else matters, especially my existence

Songs that Name Check/List A Mighty Host of Geographical Locations

It’s dead midnight on the beach, with no one around, and we just want to watch the stars and have an experience

I’m lost in space and slowly dissolving.

Darkness visible, doleful shades

If it makes you giggle, buy it

Music to abandon personal goals to

Classic rock songs that you need to listen to before you die

Caveman Songs

Ritalin, wine, and a broken heart: Need some classic rock/shoegaze/new wave/postpunk to take me away.