Think of it this way: I am sure you’d rather become “Dr.
01. Tony Dize - “El Doctorado” (La Melodía de la Calle)
02. Ambassador - “Thesis Pieces” (The Thesis)
03. Canibus - “Master Thesis” (MiClub-The Curriculum)
04. Jedi Mind Tricks - “onetwothree” (The Psycho-social, Chemical, Biological, and Electro-Magnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness)
05. CanBe - “Posgraduate Theme” (Pluck)
06. Dar Williams - “The Pointless, Yet Poignant, Crisis of a College Co-Ed” (Mortal City)
07. Tullycraft - “The Lonely Life of a UFO Researcher” (Every Scene Needs a Center)
08. Todd Aissup - “Theory” (Facts and Figures)