01. X Ray Spex - “Oh Bondage! Up Yours” (Germ Free Adolescents)
02. The Zombies - “Friends Of Mine” (Odessey and Oracle)
03. Laurie Anderson - “Big Science” (Big Science)
04. Bob Dylan - “Maggie’s Farm” (Bringin It All Back Home)
05. The Avalanches - “Frontier Psychiatry” (Since I Left You)
06. Titus Andronics - “Fear and Loathing in Mahwah, NJ” (The Airing of Grievances)
07. Smog - “Bathysphere” (Wild Love)
08. Howling Bells - “Let’s Be Kids” (Radio Wars)
09. Bjork - “Earth Intruders” (Volta)
10. Morrissey - “To Me You Are a Work of Art” (Ringleader of the Tormentors)
11. The Beach Boys - “I Know there’s an answer” (Pet Sounds)
12. T. Rex - “Ballrooms Of Mars” (The Slider)
My friend thinks that the best songs for oppressed outsiders are by Lady Gaga. Please, please, PLEASE help me prove her wrong with a tape full of anthems for the alienated (that don’t suck)!