01. The Beatles - “What’s The New Mary Jane” (Anthology 3)
02. Daniel Johnston - “Jelly Beans” (Fun)
03. Culturcide - “Bruce” (Tacky Souvenirs Of Pre-Revoultionary America)
04. Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti - “Howling At The Moon” (FF>>)
05. The Shaggs - “Who Are Parents?” (Philosophy Of The World)
06. Eyeball Skeleton - “Eyeball Skeleton” (Eyeball Skeleton)
07. The Death Set - “Around the World” (Worldwide)
08. Dan Deacon - “Ohio” (Twacky Cats)
09. The Frogs - “These Are The Finest Boys I’ve Ever Seen” (It’s Only Right And Natural)
10. 3 Stars - “The Jersey Slide” (Home Schooled: The ABCs Of Kid Soul)
11. The Velvet Underground - “Sister Ray” (White Light/White Heat)
My hand slipped and I drew an attractive ornamental doodle around the top of an official form for the Department of Homeland Security. What is wrong with my reflexes?