Run-amok (songs containing the phrase “run-amok”)

01. Broken Bells - “The High Road” (Broken Bells)
02. Kreator - “Amok Run” (The Music Made Me Do It)
03. Dallas Green - “Save Your Scissors” (The Death of Me)
04. Mullmuzzler - “As a Man Thinks” (Keep It To Yourself)
05. John Williamson - “Bells In A Bushman’s Ears” (Chandelier of Stars)
06. Metallica - “Ronnie” (Load)
07. RUN DMC - “Ohh, Whatcha Gonna Do” (Ooh, Whatcha Gonna Do )
08. Cradle of Filth - “Harlot on a Pedestal” (Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa)
09. Phineas and Ferb - “Let’s Go Digital” (Phineas and Ferb)

Mix Tapes

Here’s how The Automatic Mix Tapes Generator works: Send us a thought, phrase, question, quotation, or whatever else, and if one of our mix tape robots fancies your suggestion, the crazy set of circuits might just make a mix tape out of it — well, at least a tracklisting for one. Request a mix tape here, and help us compile mix tapes here.

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