Guaranteed to warm your heart and make you feel like a badass at the same time.
01. Panda Bear - “Slow Motion” (Tomboy)
02. Slightly Stoopid - “Blood of My Blood” (Chronichitis)
03. Wax Tailor - “Que Sera” (Tales of the Forgotten Melodies)
04. Bill Withers - “Use Me” (American Beauty Soundtrack)
05. TV on the Radio - “Say You Do” (OK Calculator)
06. Kings of Leon - “Closer” (Only By the Night)
07. MGMT - “Electric Feel” (Oracular Spectacular)
08. Architeq - “Birds of Prey (Fulgeance Emotronical Mix)” (Birds of Prey Versions)
09. Smashing Pumpkins - “Love” (Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness: Dawn to Dusk)
10. Ratatat - “Grape Juice City” (LP4)
11. Kaki King - “Montreal” (Dreaming of Revenge)
12. Pretty Lights - “The Time Has Come” (Filling Up the City Skies)
13. The Beta Band - “Squares” (Six Feet Under Soundtrack Volume I)
14. Interpol - “Evil” (Antics)
15. Say Anything - “Alive With the Glory of Love” (Say Anything is a Real Boy)
16. Gogol Bordello - “Wonderlust King” (Super Taranta!)
17. Violent Femmes - “Kiss Off” (Add It Up)