01. Eric’s Trip - “Sand” (Songs About Chris EP)
02. Paws - “Catherine 1956” (Cokefloat!)
03. The Middle East - “Lady Of The Bloody Unknown” (I Want That You Are Always Happy)
04. Spook Houses - “July ‘09” (Trying)
05. Field Music - “Who’ll Pay The Bills?” (Plumb)
06. Jon Maurer - “Burning Bright” (I. (Fire))
07. Joyce Manor - “Christmas Card” (Never Hungover Again)
08. Summer Vacation - “Post-You” (Condition)
09. Ted Leo & The Pharmacists - “Under The Hedge” (The Tyranny of Distance)
10. The Dodos - “Ashley” (Visiter)
11. The Books - “A Dead Fish Gains The Power of Observation” (Thought for Food)
12. Animal Collective - “For Reverend Green” (Strawberry Jam)
13. Major Organ and The Adding Machine - “Madam Truffle” (Major Organ and The Adding Machine)
14. Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti - “L’estat” (Before Today)
15. Oneohtrix Point Never - “Child Soldier” (Replica)
16. Akron/Family - “Lake Song/New Ceremonial Music for Moms” (Love is Simple)
17. James Ferraro - “Global Lunch” (Far Side Virtual)
18. Tera Melos - “A Spoonful of Slurry” (Drugs to the Dear Youth)
19. Royal Canoe - “Light” (Today We’re Believers)
20. Caribou - “Lalibela” (Album)
The world is a confusing place.