An Updated Mix for Harold and Maude

note from thepants: I HAD to slip that last track in there. The movie and Cat's tunes were all so bittersweet and I tried to incorporate that in.

01. Crooked Fingers - "Juliette" (Crooked Fingers)
02. Acid house Kings - "7 Days" (Sing Along with Acid House Kings)
03. Ben Lee - "Apple Candy" (Awake is the New Sleep)
04. Jeff Buckley - "Lilac Wine" (Grace)
05. Lavender Diamond - "Oh No" (Imagine Our Love)
06. The Belles - "Omerta" (Omerta)
07. M. Ward - "Song From Debby's Stairs" (Duet For Guitars #2)
08. E - "Shine It All On" (Broken Toy Shop)
09. Elliott Smith - "Everything Means Nothing to Me" (Figure 8)
10. Amy Milan - "Losin' You" (Honey From the Tombs)
11. The Good Life - "A New Friend" (Album of the Year)
12. Joan as Police Woman - "Flushed Chest" (Real Life)
13. Emily Haines and Soft Skeleton - "Our Hell" (Knives Don't Have Your Back)
14. Jen Wood - "Ghosts" (The Jen Wood EP)
15. Yusuf Islam - "One Day at a Time" (An Other Cup)

Mix Tapes

Here’s how The Automatic Mix Tapes Generator works: Send us a thought, phrase, question, quotation, or whatever else, and if one of our mix tape robots fancies your suggestion, the crazy set of circuits might just make a mix tape out of it — well, at least a tracklisting for one. Request a mix tape here, and help us compile mix tapes here.

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