King of Prussia Save the Scene

[Kindercore; 2007]

Rating: 3/5

Styles: 1960s nostalgia pop, indie pop
Others: Elephant Six

Dear newly formed independent labels of the future:

I would like to begin my correspondence by congratulating you on securing your new business! It’s an exciting time for a record label entrepreneur. With a little perseverance you too will be on your way to the world of industry-standard competition, cutthroat capitalist strategies to eliminate the little guy, and Rock ‘n’ Roll! But it’s not all hard work. Hold on for a wild ride of recreational drugs to politely turn down! Make room on your calendars for crazy parties of reasonable length! Tempt gorgeous women with such phrases as “In eight years I may have a six-digit salary, if we’re not bought out before then.” Intrigue them with statements like “No, I’m not technically in the band.” Wave at them coolly as they walk away from you.

Remember, as an independent company, you are always in the crosshairs of those awful “Goliath” major labels. One wrong move and that little David of a business plan can expect to experience its first inverted Indian deathlock of the business world. Lucky for you, with the advent of the “internet,” anyone can run a record label — and they do! So while they are all being pinned to the ground by corporate pressures, you can indiscreetly hop your way to the finish line of success.

Don’t worry, it’s all part of the business world’s circle of life. Much like how the rabbit population is dealt with by the invisible hand of nature in the form of dogs and supper in the Ozarks, independent labels are sorted by the invisible hand of the market, which forces successful companies to make highly unethical decisions to take down their smaller competitors.

Be aware: there are variations of just this kind of natural outcome, which may or may not work in your favor. Athens, Georgia’s independent label Kindercore became almost completely defunct after a sour business deal with its financial backer, only to regain its enterprise with the intervention of the law. This caused a shift in its business paradigm to include more forward-thinking approaches, primarily through a partnership with the Independent Online Distribution Alliance to develop a solid digital distribution focus and avoid the negative environmental aspects of manufacturing CDs. King Of Prussia is essentially the fruit of that labour, if only because they’re one of the chief acts of the now semi-successful label.

Don’t forget, getting a band on your label that sounds nearly identical to a more successful band is just as good as having that successful band. This is the apparent approach used by Kindercore in signing King Of Prussia. They may be going to impressive lengths to help haul the music industry into modernity, but they aren’t above “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” music distribution. As a throwback to Elephant 6’s throwback to ’60s pop, King Of Prussia do surprisingly well, varying Beatles harmonies with the traditional foray of layered indie-pop and socio-political lyrics that only sometimes dribble into the cheesy consistency of processed Velveeta ("Tony Danza’s/ On the run"). They're far from the only derivative clones sprung from the stem cells of Neutral Milk Hotel, and the Elephant 6 fanbase will welcome them with open arms. For a semi-successful label this signifies the inevitability of a semi-successful band.

Good luck as you pursue your dreams, future stars of the industry! You’re on your way to making it big!

Corilyn Limelle,

[Financial Analysist]


[Consultant To The Stars]

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