It’s not a matter of sampling anymore. The ownership rights of songs these days are traversed pretty easily. Copyrighted sounds distorted in a jungle of effects, softwares, pedals, array, dissonance, etc. Like, how legal is it? I dunno, my lawyer is in Virginia. But you can get wasted in NYC now, legit. Then arrested for blocking a sidewalk, so who’s calling who a liar? And it’s summer, so July + [all the movies you wanted to watch as a kid, but were never allowed to, and the library has ‘em ALL] = fantastic vision. In comparison, the motif of completely chiseled sound on Saigon Noodle Bar from Planet Herbal Ecstasy is blatant — albeit at times restrained and poised. Adventure reigns throughout. The algorithm comprised in this work by Metal Ballerina (a.k.a. NMΞSH) is fairly simple: metal? Maybe metallic. Or, the development of a pace set to frantic-tantrum/-BPM. Un-stifling frantic-tantrum/-BPM. All parts in Saigon Noodle Bar from Planet Herbal Ecstasy are ugly and scattered, but where the fuck is your mind at right now anyhow?
Saigon Noodle Bar from Planet Herbal Ecstasy is consistent with modern electronic aesthetics, too. While we’re over here ogling PC Music at ultra vocal pacing, Metal Ballerina complements this hi-fi tweak into a Xeroxed copy of a Xeroxed picture of a Xerox machine Xeroxing the Xerox it’s Xeroxing. Like, every morning on the train, I see the back of this bar that stacked piles of bottles from the night before so people can rummage this trove of glass for money. Look-see, it’s right here! Same mentality. I’ll bet there’s a sales floor somewhere in the world who would benefit and grow in numbers to playing Saigon Noodle Bar from Planet Herbal Ecstasy intermittently on the speakers throughout the week. People would bug. Complete escape. Conversation would run in and out of sales, fortune and fame. Metal Ballerina as Monterrey muse. Go outside for a walk or drive and listen to Saigon Noodle Bar from Planet Herbal Ecstasy. Treat yourself to some chocolate. Feel how your brains tingle in a way that satiates happiness that reflects a stillness upon thy heart? Purity before the heartburn. The trees.
But back to the “sampling” bit, because it’s equal to chocolate. OMFG, I think I can hear AHAB or CATACOMBS later on in Saigon Noodle Bar from Planet Herbal Ecstasy. This is pure paradise for the randomized. Making the best-baked cookies in a sheet of six. Irresistible. Although, at 4:03 AM, it’s better to just save ‘em for tomorrow. Then the sig-nif can’t help from eating three in two hours while you sleep in. So a Weekend At Bernie’s montage ensues where y’all go on this local road trip to take pictures of landmarks around the city, but a bathroom is never available when you need it. Gatorade bottles will only take you so far. Smiles in front of the KORN mural. Peace signing in Central Park Zoo. Posing with praying people. Facing the West when your sig-nif notices a slit in the back pocket of your pants, and your wallet is missing, yet this is only 15 minutes later. “BUT HOW?” Sleep for the weekend.
What I ultimately find most confusing about Saigon Noodle Bar from Planet Herbal Ecstasy is whether it’s a mixtape or an album, but I’ve no doubt in my mind that the main intention here is to worship. Worship those who once helped Metal Ballerina digest life. In fact, those who were in support of the aesthetic intent behind Metal Ballerina are equally praised and minced in Saigon Noodle Bar from Planet Herbal Ecstasy; it’s less a statement, more a commentary on exploration. Sure, there’ve been plenty of demons and prior exorcisms equally *Ark of the Covenant*. Yet the language Metal Ballerina speaks in is beyond meme, regurgitation, overdrive, psychedelics, mesmerization, the-long-road-ahead, overgrowth, vaporwave, hardvapour, nuwrld, mistake, etc. etc. etc. Saigon Noodle Bar from Planet Herbal Ecstasy is of the age in a reflective way, the depths of which are practically nameless and precise. Metal Ballerina has tricked us all into a mode of thinking. “Thank you, Alex.” Saigon Noodle Bar from Planet Herbal Ecstasy triumphantly finishes, praising creator and mind-meld.
More about: Metal Ballerina