…::: practice = real-time, 30x max 140 characters & discovering a newer, healthier way of writing #wellness #tmtup #gimmick :::…
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
Adam Harper’s vaporwave article for @dummymag proved to be the initial platform for a conversation about the microgenre he was reporting on
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
Its a curious read, bringing attention to how artists like Ferraro &INTERNETCLUB could be labelled, critically speaking #vaporwave #distroid
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
Vektroid (PrismCorp)& Will Burnett (IC) contributed by way ofinterview. Vktrd described advertising shock/ WB: capitalist society #theory
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
The project DID start as a commentary on capitalism, then, with a stylistic bent towards Chuck Person’s eccojams #OPN #FSV #Pastiche
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
BUT crucially, comments also referred to working without specific genre aspirations. It was fun VS boredom online #internetcitizenship
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
No future references were made by major practitioners concerning political manifesto or antagonism - VW was ultimately about tunes / net art
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
VW got packaged up in Harper’s article, yet it still remains a GO TO reference point :-( dummymag.com/features/2012/…
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
Home/Clear Skies is the latest Vektroid release. Its a 2xAlbum presented on newdreamsltd.tumblr.com & just got physical release @beerontherug
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
H/CS presents 39 songs that offer very little in manipulating thecorporate/lifestyle/hold/computer game music they borrow from.
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
That makes the collection feel much more like a curated product than a new album & consequently raises the bar in terms of taste negotiation
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
It’s impossible to say that 1 disc pertains to a different theme from the other. They are both lifeless in their presentation of #lifestyle
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
Lifelessness lies @ the core of tracks such as”Larry”,which sounds like its pulled from the computer game Leisure Suit Larry #softcoregaming
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
LSL is an adventure game about a middle aged fellow in pursuit of sexual encounters. His attempts are mostly unsuccessful. #irony
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
It sounds as though CGM is plentiful here. Sources are unidentifiable but somehow familiar (“Pure”&“Wellness Center”) #lifeonline
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
CGM is lumped alongside elevator/corporate music intentionally designed to be void of feeling while promoting pleasant atmospheres #manicure
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
#VIRTUAL overcame that through subtle manipulations, which contrasted Mac+ and Laserdisc Visions, while pointing to alternative techniques
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
Process remains of importance then. There was reward to be found in choosing the “right” tracks & manipulating them in a larger context.
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
My interest in VW remains in the curation and manipulation - what tracks are chosen and how are they re-sequenced, stretched, looped etc.
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
In his TMT INTERNET CLUB review James Parker asked: How many albums will it take before the method exhausts itself? tinymixtapes.com/music-review/i…
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
JP answers his own question, and I wholeheartedly agree. There’s always a limit to novelty before tedium exceeds #HCSshortfalls
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
That was always going to be the case. It’s probably why VW was purported to be dead in the same year it was brought to our attention.
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
HST, its still fun listening to this, Vektroid has a superb knack of curating contextually unrelated, yet uncannily similar pieces of music.
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
The original source material is composed with the intention of soothing or creating a calm and controlled environment #muzak
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
Yet when stretched across 43+48 minutes, the results reveal a naked, unedited expanse - empty and completely drained of emotion.
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
Conversely, the websites, the beautiful net art & the communications submitted from virtual HQ remain intriguing tinymixtapes.com/chocolate-grin…
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
When Vektroid used the PC site for personal plea, that flipped the facade on its head. It also brought a hard hitting reality to the project
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
The message was sad:an artist calling out to a community for support at a time of need. FWIU +responses were received amazon.com/gp/registry/wi…
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
I find it wry that the most recent PC logo is Home. Perhaps that’s a playful twist on personal events, the primary instance of a human touch
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
There is no turning back. #illusionshattered. Hopes Vektroid is safe&well & that they soon return, talent in tact, embracing a new direction
— 杨德民 (@Amnesty_Pix_IT) June 3, 2013
More about: PrismCorp Virtual Enterprises