MF Doom has slammed down yet another magic potion, retransforming himself into his mysterious, eccentric personality, Viktor Vaughn. Only months after his successful collaboration with Madlib on the stellar Madvillainy, the original villain of hip-hop reemerges into the spotlight to deliver VV:2 Venomous Villain, the highly anticipated follow-up to last year's near-perfect release, Vaudeville Villain. While it is simply impossible to duplicate the raw power and energy of that album, the newly resurrected Viktor proffers a tolerable continuation of his street hustle and ice-cold thuggery. In fact, Venomous Villain is truly spiteful and menacing, encompassing a true tenacity that MF Doom has exemplified on countless occasions. And so the album plays, fluidly, documenting Vik's struggle as a true street thug, with stories of road warfare, homages to gangster mentality, and alarming soliloquies that illustrate grim pictures of today's decadent society. And yet, each track continues to paint Vik as a glorious, untouchable force to be reckoned with, further redefining the mental struggle between reality and make-believe within Doom's head. So, while most fans of Doom regard Viktor as just another alias in his plethora of disguises, Venomous Villain is a testament to Viktor's undeniable mission to overthrow MF Doom's original persona, creating an unnerving power struggle within Doom's pseudo-neurotic schizophrenia. Lucky for us, we get to hear the battle.
1. Viktormizer (Intro)
2. Back End
3. Fall Back / Titty Fat
4. Doom On Vik
5. R.A.P. G.A.M.E. (feat. Manchild of Mars Ill & Iz-Real)
6. Dope Skill (feat. Carl Kavorkian)
7. Doper Skiller (feat. Kool Keith)
8. Haberdashery (Interlude)
9. Ode To Road Rage
10. Bloody Chain (feat. Poison Pen)
11. Strange New Day (Interlude)
12. Pop Quiz (Bonus Extra Credit Remix)
More about: Viktor Vaughn