Bearded shut-ins, rejoice, for Bonnie “Prince” Billy née Will Oldham will be giving publicists a marketing nightmare with a beautifully bizarro release on Drag City, titled Funtime Comedown: too weird for CD format. The vinyl- and digital-only full-length live-in-studio album Funtime Comedown will be credited to Bonny Billy and the Picket Line; the Picket Line, of course, being a Kentucky bluegrass band. Duh. Sez Drag City, they are also "the official dance band of Funtown, a metaphysical little community in the woods outside Louisville.” Are you really surprised? Didn't think so.

The record is a cornucopia of Oldham goodness, including new versions of his own songs as well as Palace Brothers tunes and country classics. It's due December 15. Check out this video of Oldham and his Picket pals:

Willy boy has also just released a 7-inch single for "Stay," which contains the song “People Living,” both of which are covers of Susanna & the Magical Orchestra's Susanna Wallumrød. And guess what? It's sold out. But you can still purchase a download (FLAC or MP3) here.

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