The upcoming Dirty Projectors tour follows Dave Longstreth, a young owl enthralled by his father’s epic stories of the Guardians of Ga’Hoole, a mythic band of winged warriors who had fought a great battle to save all of owlkind from the evil Pure Ones. While Longstreth dreams of someday joining his heroes, his older sister, Amber Coffman, scoffs at the notion, and yearns to hunt, fly, and steal her father’s favor from her younger sibling. But Coffman’s jealousy has terrible consequences, causing both owlets to fall from their treetop home and right into the talons of the Pure Ones. Now it is up to Longstreth to make a daring escape with the help of other brave young owls. Together they soar across the US and through the mist to find the Great Tree, home of the legendary Guardians of Ga’Hoole — Longstreth’s only hope of defeating the Pure Ones and saving the owl kingdoms.
Meanwhile, Dirty Projectors are releasing an expanded two-disc version of 2009’s Bitte Orca (TMT Review) on September 28 through Domino, which includes unreleased tunes, B-sides from the album, and “a very special and intimate live acoustic performance at New York’s Other Music record store.” Pre-order the expanded Bitte Orca here, download the Other Music version of “Temecula Sunrise” here, and keep your fingers crossed that Longstreth and the other young owls of Dirty Projectors find the Great Tree somewhere during their tour.
Bitte Orca tracklist:
Disc 1
01. Cannibal Resource
02. Temecula Sunrise
03. The Bride
04. Stillness Is The Move
05. Two Doves
06. Useful Chamber
07. No Intention
08. Remade Horizon
09. Fluorescent Half Dome
Disc 2
01. Fluorescent Half Dome (Live at Other Music)
02. Temecula Sunrise (Live at Other Music)
03. Two Doves (Live at Other Music)
04. Cannibal Resource (Live at Other Music)
05. No Intention (Live at Other Music)
06. Ascending Melody
07. Emblem of the World
08. Wave the Bloody Shirt
09. Bitte Bitte Orca
10. Stillness is the Move (Lucky Dragons Remix)
11. As I Went Out One Morning
09.07.10 - Washington, DC - 9:30 Club $
09.08.10 - Philadelphia, PA - Trocadero $
09.11.10 - New York, NY - Terminal 5 $
09.13.10 - Boston, MA - Wilbur $
09.14.10 - Montreal, Quebec - Le National &
09.15.10 - Toronto, Ontario - Opera House &
09.17.10 - Chicago, IL - Metro &
09.18.10 - Milwaukee, WI - Pabst Theater &
09.19.10 - Minneapolis, MN - First Avenue &
09.23.10 - Pomona, CA - Glass House *
09.24.10 - Los Angeles, CA - Wiltern *
09.25.10 - San Francisco, CA - Fillmore *
09.28.10 - Portland, OR - Aladdin *
09.29.10 - Portland, OR - Aladdin *
09.30.10 - Seattle, WA - Showbox *
10.05.10 - Durham, NC - Page Auditorium *
$ Owen Pallett
& Happy Birthday
* Dominique Young Unique
• Dirty Projectors:
• Domino: