You know Hanson Records, pal? You want some tapes? They got ‘em. You want something photocopied a buncha times so it starts to look all messed up? Oh yeah, they got you covered. Looking for someplace to hang in Oberlin, OH when you’re visiting your cousin at college? Shit, dawg, don’t even mention it. Did I say tapes already? A quick scan of the sentences I just wrote proves that I did, but this is the internet and I needed a transition to the second paragraph, so…
Hanson Records has recently announced two brand-spankin’ new tapes. One, entitled Medicine Stuns from Mr. My-Picture-On-Twitter-Haunts-the-Dreams-of-TMT-Newswriters himself, and the other entitled Pronunciation from Pennsylvania’s Good Area (who you may recall had the very sick French Antarctica LP and Cubic Zirconia 7-inch come out on Kye recently). This is a domestic issuing of Medicine Stunts, which was already released earlier this year in Finland by Lal Lal Lal. You can grab both tapes from the Hanson Big Cartel, or scoop up the digital versions from Bandcamp. In the meantime you can also check out an embed of Pronunciation below.
And even though I literally just made this joke, I’d advise you to pretend like your eyes are grapes and keep them peeled accordingly for a couple of upcoming Hanson picture-disc LPs from Adrian Rew and Dilloway. Pre-order information will apparently be arriving in the very near future.
• Aaron Dilloway: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Aaron-Dilloway/136620113037549
• Hanson: http://hansonrecords.bigcartel.com
More about: Aaron Dilloway, Good Area