Apple products: shiny and irresistible to the touch. They’re so irresistible, in fact, that some people apparently can’t help but succumb to the overwhelming urge to spontaneously hurl inanimate objects, just for the chance to grab hold of one. The New Pornographers’ A.C. Newman was unfortunately on the receiving end of such actions on November 9. As he so tweeted: “Someone threw a potted plant through the window of our LA pad and stole our iPads. Some people are just no damn good.” He later added, “We’re lucky the thieves only took our iPads. Everything was saved in iCloud. I was praying for iCloud to work.” See? They just went for the iPads. Has anyone inspected those things for pheromones?
Fortunately, it appears as though neither Newman nor anyone else was in the immediate vicinity when the break-in occurred. We wish his potted plants a speedy recovery.
• A.C. Newman: http://www.acnewman.net
• Matador: http://www.matadorrecords.com