Hey! I have a thing that’s been rattling around my head about The Afghan Whigs for a while and, since this is a story about The Afghan Whigs reuniting (which I’ll get to soon enough, thank you), I’m using this as a chance to spout off about it. Did they carve a path for hazy R&B folks like The Weeknd and, to a lesser extent, Drake? Because those guys’ damaged lothario personas seem an awful lot like Greg Dulli’s damaged lothario persona. But maybe Dulli got his persona through R&B influences and everything has just come full circle. By the way, Afghan Whigs are reuniting for some ATP festivals!
The band’s 13-year break from live shows will end somewhere between May 25 and May 27, as they will be playing the I’ll Be Your Mirror Festival at London’s Alexandra Palace then. After that, they’ll spend the summer hitting on your sister, much to your consternation. Once the summer ends and The Afghan Whigs are either dating or have moved on from your sister, Greg Dulli will curate the I’ll Be Your Mirror iteration in Asbury Park, New Jersey from September 21-23. He even booked his favorite band, The Afghan Whigs, to play on September 22. Some bands that are not The Afghan Whigs will also play.
• The Afghan Whigs: http://theafghanwhigs.com