The passage of time is always unfortunate to watch in Hollywood stars — the more intense the face, the worse the transformation into old fogey-dom. You always feel bad whenever someone compares you to an actor/actress who doesn’t look like your idea of a winning date — how do you think Al Pacino feels now that he can pass for this?
News has begun to spread around the internet since The New York Times published an article on a forthcoming HBO film about Phil Spector, featuring the former Tony Montana/Michael Corleone/Lucifer star. There are very few details about the plot of the film thus far, but given the similarity in Spector’s and Pacino’s current age (70), we can only assume that it will detail Spector’s still-recent trial for the murder of Lana Clarkson, rather than his wonder days in the 50s and 60s (much to Spector’s chagrin).
Renowned playwright/director David Mamet has been recruited to write and direct the project, with Barry Levinson as executive producer. There’s no set date for the release of the film, which still has a ways to go in terms of development. But then, Spector’s got 19 years — ha!
• Phil Spector: http://www.philspector.com
• Al Pacino: http://x17online.com/al_pacino/AlPacinoItaly.jpg