I don’t picture Australia as a very “goth” country. I’m sure there are parts of it that combine the dreary climate and urban blight necessary for a Goth subculture to flourish (or fester), but most of what I have experienced of the continent is heat. The kind of heat and humidity that makes sitting very still in a lawn chair with your eyes closed one of the most enjoyable activities. It’s also the kind of environment that makes wearing three layers of black clothes and makeup that took two hours to put on a prescription for heatstroke.
Despite the contraindications that the environment might present, ATP seems hell-bent on injecting Australia with possibly dangerous levels of dread and black hair-dye when Halloween rolls around. Let’s just say it’s a “heroic dose.” They are calling this fix of the dark and gloomy Release the Bats and the lineup is pretty staggering: The Breeders, The Jesus Lizard, The Scientists, Fuck Buttons, Lighting Bolt, Sleep, and Forest Swords for starters. Not all the bodies in this particular crypt have been accounted for, though, so expect more bands to be unearthed as October 26 draws nearer. The monster mash will be held at two locations just outside Melbourne, one indoors and one outdoors, though apparently neither is a graveyard. $150 + fees gets you into the whole thing and tickets are going on sale starting today.
If you’re traveling to ATP from the states I would recommend stocking up on hairspray, black eyeliner, and lipstick now; I assume the continent is going to be fresh out once Release the Bats Goth-ifies the whole of Australia. Yes, it has that kind of influence; don’t even question it.
• All Tomorrow’s Parties: http://www.atpfestival.com
• Release the Bats: http://www.atpfestival.com/events/releasethebatsmelbourne.php
More about: Forest Swords, Fuck Buttons, Lightning Bolt, Sleep, The Breeders, The Jesus Lizard