London duo VTR long to be close to you, like metaphysically close—or as the title of their debut EP puts it, Soul to Skin.
Who are VTR? Kristy Clark and Olsi Rama comprise the group. They bring together semi-ambient sound design and R&B-indebted vocals. Their name is a reference to the first invention capable of recording video and audio simultaneously. There. Now you officially know as much as I do about this band!!
Oh wait; one more thing. Soul to Skin is out on Dream Diary Records on May 4, but you can get cozy with its title track down at the bottom of this post while you await its release (okay, I guess that was two more things).
The track sounds like the way it would feel to be trapped inside a gelatinous cube with Sade Adu on a Dungeons & Dragons quest gone pear-shaped. (Of course you know Sade crawls hella dungeons; why do you think it takes her so long between albums?) While the cube’s bodily fluids slowly digest you and the English songstress, she starts singing so the last sounds the two of you hear can be beautiful, at least; her butterscotch contralto reaches you only faintly through the goo against your ears. But it is enough. Or, who knows? Maybe it doesn’t sound like that at all — the only way you’ll ever find out is by pressing some gelatinous flesh of your own against that play button below.
OH WAIT, I forgot: Soul to Skin also marks Dream Diary’s first release in both physical and digital formats from the label, which has previously specialized in small-run vinyl editions. No pre-order info has surfaced just yet, but stick like glue to VTR for that, as well as their full EP tracklist.
There. NOW you know everything!
More about: VTR