Ladies, gentlemen, and hand-holding otters of all ages, if you don’t know Los Angeles-via-Brooklyn duo High Places already, you better ask somebody. You might be thinking, “Why? I already know about, like, 247 other bands. Is another one really gonna be all THAT different?” Well, in sum, YES. Because this band is cool, and they’ve got a new album coming out on Thrill Jockey, and they tour like 14 months out of the year and maybe someday you’ll wanna impress your boyfriend/girlfriend/otterfriend by being all like, “We should get to the show early tonight because this High Places band is pretty rad.” It’s true. They actually found a loophole in the time/space continuum and drive their tourspaceship into both the past AND the future, just so they can spend more time on stage with the likes of Deerhunter, No Age, and Dan Deacon, and be more awesome more of the time.
Okay, so maybe the time travel bit… well, maybe I made that up, but the thing about this new Thrill Jockey record release, well that’s 100% true. And I’ll prove it to you on October 11, when High Places’ third full-length Original Colors comes out. For on that day, as Nostradamus once prophesied, all shall heareth 10 tracks filled with “sun-drenched references to Australia’s inimitable foliage, the expansive desert of Northern Mexico, and the crystal, blue waters of the Indian Ocean” and verily thou shalt say, “Yes, I am glad I read about this band and listened to a new track on the Chocolate Grinder, for now my stereo overfloweth with sweet jams.” And then verily, thou shall read about their upcoming fall tour, and thou shalt know to buy thine tickets in advance.
08.13.11 - New York NY - Tammany Hall
08.20.11 - St. Louis MO - Old Post Office Plaza
08.21.11 - Chicago IL - Logan Square Monument
08.21.11 - Chicago IL - Empty Bottle
• High Places: http://hellohighplaces.blogspot.com
• Thrill Jockey: http://www.thrilljockey.com