I think those of us who aren’t religious fanatics or 21st-century hippies advocating ineffective forms of alternative medicine generally consider hospitals and centers for scientific research important factors in improving the overall well-being of civilization. And yet, despite the fact that I haven’t had any traumatizing experiences in a hospital, and that I certainly accept the vital nature of their existence, I can’t help but think that several levels beneath the ground floor of any given medical or scientific institution, doctors and other professionals are performing all kinds of crazy, unsanctioned experiments. Come to think of it, that’s probably where they make all of those god-awful GEICO commercials.
Eron Sheean’s film Errors of the Human Body apparently does nothing to rectify the subtly ominous image that some people have of any place where “experiments” are performed, being described as a “psychological thriller” developed in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden, Germany. Given the film’s tone, it’s no wonder, then, that Sheean once again called upon his fellow Australian and multi-instrumentalist/composer Anthony Pateras, to produce the score, which was their first feature-length collaboration. On March 6, that score will receive a 2LP release courtesy of Editions Mego. According to the official release page, “Pateras’ distinct keyboards and electronics permeate throughout, evoking the film’s key themes of isolation, scientific intrigue, ambiguous ethics and hallucinatory metamorphosis.” Is it even possible to have an uplifting film or television series set in a hospital that doesn’t involve Zach Braff?
Errors of the Human Body tracklisting:
A1. Cellular Cloud 1
A2. Burton
A3. Easter Gene
A4. Research From Unexpected Places
A5. Automatic 1
A6. Infectious
B1. River Elbe
B2. Personal Delivery
B3. Mouse House
B5. Automatic 2
C1. Burtons Lullaby
C2. Milk & Mice
C3. Cellular Cloud 2
C4. Sorry About Your Tail
C5. Automatic 3
D1. At Least I Knew Who I Was Fucking
D2. Fahrschein Bitte
D3. Burtons Syndrome
D4. Automatic 4
D5. Humans & Mice
• Anthony Pateras: http://anthonypateras.com
• Editions Mego: http://editionsmego.com