If you’ve ever held your trusty old CD copy of either 1995’s …I Care Because You Do or 1996’s Richard D. James Album in your hands and thought to yourself, “gee, this music is cool and all, but I wish James’ uncomfortably close-up devil-smirk face on each of these covers was even bigger so that I could be even more freaked out by it than I am right now,” then you’re in luck, friend. As Exclaim! reported, cool-as-fuck reissue label 1972 has announced plans to follow up recent vinyl re-release of the classic Selected Ambient Works Volume II with new vinyl pressings of each those two awesome records. Just think of how much more obsessively you’ll gaze into every hypnotizing crag and fold in James’ soulless face when it’s thirteen-and-a-half inches wide!
Both reissues are set to arrive on September 18 and, a-la 1972’s reissue of Selected Ambient Works, seem to be free and clear of any jazzy bonus material that might jack up their prices to the “collectors items” range and/or distract you from, again, continuing your unhealthy gape-session with James’ face. According to Exclaim!, Richard D. James Album is being offered as a single LP, which probably means that the Girl/Boy EP songs from the North American version aren’t included (sorry, “Milkman” fans!!), and …I Care is listed as a 2xLP deal, which makes sense since the original record easily exceeds the 60-minute mark. If you’re not up to speed with either of these albums, now’s your chance to become better than everyone with a few mouse clicks. And really, isn’t being better than everyone what Richard D. James stands for?
• Aphex Twin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphex_Twin
• 1972 Records: http://www.musicdirect.com/m-910-1972-records.aspx
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