Let’s get this out of the way: I’m no scientist. If I was a scientist, do you think I’d be writing about music on the internet? Of course not. I’d be telling my science buddies about music in person while we invented time machines or whatever. As it stands, I was an English major, and I have neither real scientific skills nor any buddies to speak of. Even so, I’ve heard a segment or two of the popular program Radiolab, so I feel pretty confident talking about most science-y subjects. For example, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, which is basically the principle that states “when you look at something too closely, it gets harder to understand.”
Take it from me when I say that Arrington de Dionyso’s (everyone’s favorite purveyor of throat singing and throat singing accessories) upcoming tour with his band Malaikat dan Singa is basically all the confirmation you need that the uncertainty principle is, you know, a thing. I mean just look at it! A huge chunk of those dates are TBA!! One of them just lists “Ohio” as the location! THAT’S A WHOLE STATE! Ladies and gentleman, it does not get much more uncertain than that. Science confirmed. I mean, I guess it could get a little more uncertain. Maybe if he just listed “Earth” as the location for all of them, but Arrington knows how to walk a line, he knows that would’ve been too uncertain.
Confirmation of scientific principles aside, this is an extensive tour, and one that does not suffer from the all-too-common plight of “not coming anywhere near my house” (give it a gander, I’ll bet you a bitcoin and a half that it comes close to your house too). The tour is in support of de Dionyso’s upcoming release with Malaikat dan Singa Open the Crown. If it’s anything like 2011’s Suara Naga (TMT Review), its combo of jagged rhythms, skronky clarinet, and throat singing will punch right through any of your lingering uncertainty and make you dance like no one but de Dionyso himself is watching. Open the Crown is out April 30, and you can pre-order it right now from K Records. Until then, check out the video for “I Create in the Broken System” off the album below:
04.05.13 - Seattle, WA - Comet Tavern @
04.06.13 - Portland, OR - Cherry Sprout Produce #
04.07.13 - Ashland, OR - 221 Oak
04.08.13 - Hayfork, CA - Northern Delights Cafe
04.09.13 - Arcata, CA - Mexnwow (house show)
04.10.13 - Sacramento, CA - The Press Club
04.11.13 - San Francisco, CA - The Knock Out $
04.12.13 - Los Angeles, CA - The Smell
04.13.13 - San Diego, CA - The Void
04.14.13 - Irvine, CA - TBA, UC Irvine
04.15.13 - Los Angeles, CA - Lot 1
04.16.13 - TBA
04.17.13 - Tucson, AZ - La Cocina %
04.18.13 - Phoenix, AZ - Trunkspace w/James Fella and Barren Nieces
04.19.13 - Prescott, AZ - Yoga Shala (Early solo throat singing show)
04.19.13 - Prescott, AZ - 846 Middlebrook Road
04.20.13 - Albuquerque, NM - Synchro Studio
04.21.13 - Taos, NM - Mesa Brewing Company ^
04.22.13 - TBA
04.23.13 - TBA
04.24.13 - TBA
04.25.13 - Austin, TX - Las Cruxes Gallery
04.26.13 - Austin TX - Museum of Human Achievement
04.27.13 - Norman, OK - Ampy Shanty
04.28.13 - Oklahoma City, OK - The Coochie House
04.29.13 - Kansas City, MO - Mini Bar &
05.01.13 - Saint Louis, MO - Blank Space
05.02.13 - Bloomington, IN - Root Cellar Lounge
05.03.13 - Cincinnati, OH - Comet Bar
05.04.13 - Chicago, IL - The Burlington *
05.05.13 - Kalamazoo, MI - Louie’s Trophy House Grill
05.06.13 - Ann Arbor, MI - Elks Lodge !!
05.07.13 - Detroit, MI - Trinospheres
05.08.13 - London, Ontario - Art Show
05.09.13 - London, Ontario - TBA
05.10.13 - Ottawa, Ontario - Pressed 750 Gladstone
05.11.13 - TBA
05.12.13 - Quebec City, Quebec - Bar-Coop L’Agitée
05.13.13 - Montreal, Quebec QC - Casa del Popolo
05.14.13 - TBA
05.15.13 - Toronto, Ontario - Double Double
05.16.13 - Buffalo NY - The Vault
05.17.13 - Lowell, MA - 119 Gallery
05.18.13 - Brooklyn, NY - The Silent Barn
05.19.13 - Philadelphia, PA - Studio 1026@@
05.20.13 - Pawtucket, RI - Machines With Magnets@@
05.21.13 - Boston MA - Cambridge Elks Lodge@@
05.22.13 - New York City - TBA@@
05.23.13 - Manhattan, NY - Cake Shop ##
05.24.13 - Brooklyn, NY - Secret Project Robot $$
05.25.13 - Pittsburgh, PA - TBA
05.26.13 - OH - TBA
05.27.13 - Chicago, IL - Schuba’s %%
05.28.13 - Milwaukee, WI - Quarter’s Rock and Roll Palace
05.29.13 - Madison, WI - Dragonfly Lounge ^^
05.30.13 - Minneapolis MN - Kitty Cat Club
05.31.13 - Omaha NE - TBA
06.01.13 - Denver, CO - Deer Pile
06.02.13 - Salt Lake City, UT - Urban Lounge
06.03.13 - Boise, ID - TBA
06.04.13 - Portland, OR - Record Room
06.07.13 - Tacoma, WA - House Show &&
06.08.13 - Seattle, WA - Heartland **
@ Yada Yada Blues Band and Briana Marela
# Million Brazilians, Jason Traeger, Girls in Trouble
$ Sweatlodge
% Ohioan
^ Art of Flying
& Aurograph
* Hotegaia, The Sundance Kids
!! Black Pus
@@ Chain and the Gang, Calvin Johnson
## Daniel Higgs, PC Worship
$$ Greg Saunier’s Aye Aye Rabbit
%% Mako Sika
^^ Spires that in the Sunset Rise
&& MTNS, DJ Urine
** MTNS, Geist & The Sacred Ensemble, DJ Urine
• Arrington de Dionyso’s Malaikat dan Singa: http://arrington.bandcamp.com
• K: http://krecs.com
More about: Arrington de Dionyso, Malaikat dan Singa