Astro Nautico starts Kickstarter to help finance future vinyl releases

Astro Nautico starts Kickstarter to help finance future vinyl releases

Astro Nautico has been releasing totally free electronic music via the internet since 2009. I could go into the Brooklyn-based label’s storied history of finding and releasing music by obscure artists — many of whom we cover in the Chocolate Grinder section, such as WARM THIGHS, Time Wharp, Kuhn, aaronmaxwell, and Obey City — but I think the embedded video below does a much better job of conveying their story than I ever could, especially if you enjoy choice VHS gems and white boys with body hair.

If you made it through all 16 minutes of that, you’ll know that the time has come for Astro Nautico to move beyond the digital format their releases have up until now embodied. Vinyl is the next frontier, and they need your help to properly explore this exciting new horizon. Hence a Kickstarter campaign!

Yes, for just pennies a day, you can help Astro Nautico make their dream of vinyl come true. The first release will be an EP by Chits, which for the low, low donation amount of $75 (or more) can be yours FREE! Donations over $5 are accepted, and most donations over $10 come with access to some unreleased tracks and some Astro Nautico swag. As of the writing of this story, the campaign, which opened last Friday and closes on Bastille Day, has raised nearly $3,000 of its $7,000 goal. Why not check your balance and then make a donation today? The music they release is sweet, and in terms of effort put forth in setting up a Kickstarter page, this one leaves an impression.

• Astro Nautico:

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