Imagine if you could tour with one of your favorite bands of all-time; sounds pretty cool, right? If your name is Bradford Cox, then you’re in luck, because you’ll be headed out on the road with Stereolab this September (TMT News)! OMGZ! Eternal birthday wish granted!
To further underscore just how much of a boner Bradford has for Stereolab, I’ve taken to analyzing statements he’s made about the band in his blog, and I’ve reproduced several below for you:
- December 13, 2007: “Also... check out this fucking rad video of Stereolab playing my favorite song "Blue Milk" live. It's the song I wrote the whole worship post about a while back, where I described watching them play it live and getting the chills...”
- December 13, 2007: “Stereolab changed my entire musical life as a kid. They were and continue to be my favorite band of all time.”
- September 2, 2007: “When I was in high-school I idolized [Stereolab] and saw them every time they came to Atlanta. I would show up at the venue three or four hours before doors to make sure I got to be front and center (right in front of Mary Hansen.) I saw them play [“Blue Milk”] three times and each time stimulated and reinforced the part of my brain that wanted to make music - on a stage - live. I could watch a band perform this song for three hours and be ecstatic.”
Note to Stereolab: Do not play “Blue Milk” live! Bradford may just collapse and die from happiness.
Boner dates:
& Monade
# Richard Swift