How much would you pay for a live album from L.A.’s maniac party starters Captain Ahab? If you said zero dollars, you have an impressive grasp of the market as Captain Ahab dictates. Captain Ahab have, in fact, released a live album, The Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, at the low, low price of zero dollars, which can be downloaded here through Cock Rock Disco. In a related note, I would pay a million dollars to think up a record label name as good as Cock Rock Disco.
If free live albums aren’t live enough for you, then perhaps you should go see Captain Ahab on their summer tour. That is, assuming you live in Europe, because this summer tour offer is pretty much limited to European consumers. Those shows are also probably less free, but they are more abundant in bearded dudes. It’s the beard you’re paying for, really.
Captain Ahab dates:
07.09.10 - Amsterdam, Netherlands - Occii
07.10.10 - Copenhagen, Denmark - Loppen
07.11.10 - Malmo, Sweden - TBA
07.13.10 - Lyon, France - La Fee Verte
07.14.10 - Paris, France - Le Tunnel
07.15.10 - Dour, Belgium - Dour Festival
07.16.10 - Hengelo, Netherlands - Innocent
07.17.10 - Hamburg, Germany - Hafenklang
07.18.10 - Kutna Hora, Czech Republic - Creepy Teepee Fest
07.19.10 - Budapest, Germany - A38 Boat
07.20.10 - Zagreb, Croatia - Mochvara
07.22.10 - Madrid, Spain - Kadiqclub
07.23.10 - Barcelos, Portugal - Milhoes de Festa
07.24.10 - Spain - TBA
07.25.10 - Spain - TBA
07.26.10 - Barcelona, Spain - El Nui
07.27.10 - Marseille, France - L’Entrophy
07.28.10 - Landau, Germany - Fatal
07.29.10 - Linz, Austria - Quitch
07.30.10 - Vienna, Austria - TBA
08.27.10 - Los Angeles, CA - The Smell
(all dates w/ Sickboy and DJ Skull Vomit)
• Captain Ahab: http://www.myspace.com/captainahab
• Cock Rock Disco: http://www.cockrockdisco.com