In addition to being a problematically prepared food, Foie Gras is the nigh-unGoogleable moniker for a budding solo goth project toiling away in the subterranean depths of the Bay Area. Described by a press release as “unabashedly loud and mystic, gentle and soft,” the doom-meets-drone maven trades in the sorts of guitar-centric sonics that find her “at the intersections of secure drone and reimagined Americana, as if Brian Eno and Patsy Cline have committed themselves to an endless and passionate love affair.”
We’d all like to see that (kinda!), right?
Good. Then get your eyeliner ready: the sinister new single “Red Moon” comes complete with a creepy video, splattered with pints of blood.
And keep one of those eye-lined eyes on Yellow Year Records, too, which will release Foie Gras’ self-titled EP later this year.

More about: Foie Gras