James Ferraro has returned to the mixtape game only a few weeks after making his biggest splash yet as the fueled-up, jet-setting bad boy DJ BEBETUNE$$$ (via the straight fire mixtape inhale C-4 $$$$$ that’s been spinning at the office for a minute). SILICA GEL finds BEBETUNE$$$ introducing a twisted new alias into the mix by the name of BODY GUARD — a wink, perhaps, to James’s growing female fanbase and the lengths they’ll go to catch him “off [his] game.”
SILICA GEL drops everywhere in less than a month (February 23), so get your fix in the buffertime with these #FRESH #UNRELEASED BEBETUNE$$$ AKA BODY GUARD beats:
Something tells us tunes these #LIQUIDMETALPUNK, #INFRAREDPUNK, #BLADEPUNK, and #FLAMETHROWERPUNK won’t stay unreleased for long.
• BEBETUNE$$$ AKA BODY GUARD: http://bebetunesakabodyguard.tumblr.com