Remember The Beta Band? They came along, charmed the world with songs equally beautiful and bizarre, became part of a weird little scene in High Fidelity, released some records, and then disappeared. But since their breakup, the group’s members have been fairly active in projects like The Aliens, King Biscuit Time, and Black Affair. Steve Mason, Beta Band member and creative force behind those latter two projects, is now stepping out solo with the help of producer Richard X. Mason recently signed with Domino Records’ imprint Double Six, who will release his new album, Boys Outside, on May 3 in the UK and June 22 in the US.
With Mr. X around, we can only expect block-rockin’ beats, right? Wrong. You are a fool. As it turns out, Mason has made a conscious effort to strip the songs back to their basic elements and wrote the album entirely on acoustic guitar. Don’t believe Mason on that note? Well, listen to first single “All Come Down” here and be proven wrong. Not exactly something that’s going to be setting the dance floor on fire.
Boys Outside tracklist:
01. Understand My Heart
02. Am I Just A Man
03. The Letter
04. Yesterday
05. Lost & Found
06. I Let Her In
07. Stress Position
08. All Come Down
09. Boys Outside
10. Hound On My Heel
• Steve Mason: http://www.stevemasontheartist.com
• Domino: http://dominorecordco.us
[Photo: Nick Wilson]