Bibio is BACK, with his most literal release ever! It’s an EP called The Green EP and it comes out January 28 on what Warp Records describes as “bottle green” vinyl. The EP is the follow-up to last spring’s Silver Wilkinson album; both releases share the track “Dye the Water Green” (a personal favorite of Bibio himself) in common. But the thing that really makes The Green EP special is that most of the tracks have really cool Bibio life stories behind them.
Like “Dinghy,” for example. Back in 2006, Bibio and his musician buddy Richard Roberts (Letherette) worked together in an old Victorian pub with an enchanted garden in the backyard where they could time travel into the past and steal music from wandering minstrels! Just kidding, that didn’t happen. Nobody stole anything. But the two pals DID spend a lot of time kicking out the jams together after closing time, crafting songs in the pub, and then recording them on old cassette recorders and cheap mics in such picturesque locations as gardens! homes! and… a “stream in the woods,” where a merry satyr would join them to jam along on his pan pipes. There’s also a track called “The Spinney View of Hinkley Point,” which is Bibio’s first-ever released track with live drums, and which also features guitar and bass parts recorded in a friend’s (the satyr, obviously) shed in the Somerset countryside. Such magic! Such stories! Such BIBIO:
The Green EP tracklisting:
01. Dye the Water Green
02. Dinghy
03. Down to the Sound
04. Carbon Wulf
05. A Thousand Syllables
06. The Spinney View of Hinkley Point
• Bibio: http://mrbibio.tumblr.com
• Warp: http://warp.net
More about: Bibio