THIS JUST IN: the 90s is COOL again, man. (You’re shocked, I know. But it’s true. It is. Flannel. Skateboards. Fear of cholesterol. Pretty much everything except Desert Storm. That was never cool.) Especially the early 90s! And what 90s year could possibly be any earlier than 1991?
For one thing, that’s the year that fem-punk superheroes Bikini Kill originally self-released their demo tape Revolution Girl Style Now, which they are now set to reissue September 22 via their own (appropriately enough) Bikini Kill Records. In addition to seeing release for the very first time on vinyl, CD, and “digital” (since that particular word meant “alarm clock” in 1991), this new 2015 version will feature three previously unreleased tracks: “Playground,” “Ocean Song,” and “Just Once”.
And dude, you’ll never even guess what! You can listen to the track “Playground” right now on Rolling Stone’s website. Only downside is then you have to hang out at Rolling Stone’s website… Bummer, but yeah. Although there’s also a “trailer” thingy that you can watch right down below.
Also, though! The first 500 pre-orders also come with a “limited edition poster”… and the first 300 CD pre-orders come with a “free button & sticker.” Buttons? Stickers?? Posters??? Yup. Sounds like 1990s stuff to me. I can’t wait to have a hip, backwards-hatted conversation about how to recycle all of those things and save the planet with my own idiot children. Thanks, Bikini Kill!
Revolution Girl Style Now tracklisting:
01. Candy
02. Dadd’s L’il Girl
03. Feels Blind
04. Suck My Left One
05. Carnival
06. This Is Not a Test
07. Double Dare Ya
08. Liar
09. Ocean Song
10. Just Once
11. Playground
• Bikini Kill: http://bikinikill.com
More about: Bikini Kill