Bishop Nehru heads for the big offices upstairs with new album Elevators: Act I & II, produced by MF DOOM & Kaytranada

Bishop Nehru heads for the big offices upstairs with new album Elevators: Act I & II, produced by MF DOOM & Kaytranada

Typically, you’d be justified in using the idiom “still wet behind the ears” when discussing a 21 year-old musician. Buuuut, in the context of Nanuet-born rapper Bishop Nehru, you’d be kind of an asshole for saying that; because you’d be overlooking the fact that he’s done more to propel his career at this point in his life than many of us have been able to do 10 years out of undergrad.

Fortune initially shined on the (remarkably humble) guy back in 2014 when he was among the first to sign a brief contract with Nas’s Mass Appeal Records — mind you, that was after he had released his attention-getting Nehruvia mixtape, which had a surprisingly cogent flow for a 16-year old who had no known releases or studio efforts under his belt. The legendary MF DOOM expressed an appreciation for Nehru’s talent, and NehruvianDOOM, a genuine collaboration, was released forthwith.

Elevators: Act I & II, then, is technically Bishop Nehru’s debut solo LP, and it’s set for release without a label on March 16. MF DOOM and Kaytranada were producers on the album. Stay tuned for complete tracklisting and ordering info; but for now, there’s a snazzy claymation trailer, and a “multi-city pizza party listening session tour” (seriously) in the works. Watch the clip below and submit your bid to attend one of those tasty listening sessions via the good Bishop’s website.

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