You’ve enjoyed them on vinyl. You’ve enjoyed them live. You’ve enjoyed them (maybe) when your annoying ex sang them at karaoke. And now you can enjoy them at your local multiplex! (Again, maybe, depending on how cool your local multiplex is.) I’m speaking, of course, about Blur, the band everybody in your Facebook feed currently loves.
Director Sam Wrench and producer Tom Colbourne made a movie about the legendary band called New World Towers. The film follows Blur over the course of the last few years and features live performances in London and Hong Kong. In addition to the live shows, the flick features personal documentary footage and band interviews. You like watching trailers? Good, because here’s yer trailer:
The film is slated for a December 2 release at selected Picturehouse, Odeon, Cineworld, and Vue cinemas in UK cities like London, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, and Edinburgh. International release dates are coming soon.
More about: Blur