Hey, friends! If you’re anywhere near as secret-angry, depressed, miserable, hostile, and disillusioned with planet Earth ON A REGULAR GODDAMN BASIS as I am, then you TOO will be positively #AllSmiles when I tell you the fan-shmabulous news that Portland doom n’ sludge duo The Body have announced their anti-triumphant return (following 2016’s No One Deserves Happiness) with a new album’s worth of nihilism-affirming power anthems!
It’s called I Have Fought Against It, But I Can’t Any Longer, and — in addition to being really wonderful example of a compound English sentence — it’s out May 11, courtesy of those adorably pessimist motherfuckers at Thrill Jockey.
Touted as their “most ambitious album to date,” the new long-player finds members Lee Buford and Chip King stretching their gangrenous musical legs a little bit, “turning their compositional approach on its head, choosing to build the record on their own samples rather than recording the basic tracks of drums and guitars and processing those.” It also features the usual The Body collaborators Chrissy Wolpert (Assembly of Light Choir) and Ben Eberle (Sandworm), and longtime engineers Seth Manchester and Keith Souza (Machines With Magnets), as well as guest performances by Kristin Hayter (Lingua Ignota), and Michael Berdan (Uniform).
In case you’ve been feeling “uncomfortably stable” lately, do not worry: you can stream the album’s satisfyingly-terrifying first single “Nothing Stirs” down below (it’ll freak you right the fuck out again, I promise) and pre-order I Have Fought Against It, But I Can’t Any Longer on your choice of vinyl, CD, or hi-def t-shirt right over here.
And, in case you’re anticipating feeling “uncomfrotably stable” at any point in the future, yo can rest nervously assured that Buford and King also plan to “tour Europe this spring with Lightning Bolt,” followed by extensive US dates this summer. (No time like beach season to let your persistent anxiety run wild, right? I don’t know about you, but all those jitters really help me slim down.)
I Have Fought Against It, But I Can’t Any Longer tracklist:
01. The Last Form Of Loving
02. Can Carry No Weight
03. Partly Alive
04. The West Has Failed
05. Nothing Stirs
06. Off Script
07. An Urn
08. Blessed, Alone
09. Sickly Heart Of Sand
10. Ten Times A Day, Every Day, A Stranger
More about: The Body