If there’s one thing the men of Liars love, it’s witches. And if there’s one thing they love even more than witches, it’s releasing live recordings. (Sorry, witches. I know you are already in the dumps because Christine O’Donnell said mean things about you. But we can forget her now. Let the healing process begin… cut her face out of all the pictures we’re in together, etc.) For, only mere weeks ago, Liars released the Live at Shepherd’s Bush EP (TMT News), and now they’re already releasing a new one! This time it’s a full-on live ALBUM, entitled Live at the Music Hall of Williamsburg, and it’s available here.
To all who read this article hoping for news of a possible undead/Liars collabo, I am sorry for misleading you. Witches are just better, deal with it.
Live at the Music Hall of Williamsburg:
01. I Still Can See an Outside World
02. Clear Island
03. A Visit From Drum
04. We Fenced Other Gardens With the Bones of Our Owns
05. Scissor
06. The Overachievers
07. No Barrier Fun
08. Scarecrows on a Killer Slant
09. Sailing to Byzantium
10. Here Comes All the People
11. Plaster Casts of Everything
12. Hold Hands and It Will Happen Anyway
13. Proud Evolution
14. Freak Out
15. The Garden Was Crowded and Outside
16. Broken Witch
• Liars: http://www.liarsliarsliars.com
• Mute: http://www.mute.com