I suppose when you’re a musician with an oeuvre as deep and as storied as Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy’s, you can afford to take a hilariously nonsensical approach to promoting your album releases. I’m trying within my brain not to let the relevant “innerview” below become the centerpiece of this article, but… purple-gushing? An insistence on fist-face connections? In checking out his other audible interviews, one almost gets the impression of a restrained character. Thus, maybe an absurd ‘Prince’ is the real one! Maybe Oldham’s forays into acting are indicative of an eccentricity that would meet the envy of a Walken or a Goldblum! Let’s set up a meeting, Mr P and Squeo. There aren’t enough “tukhus” mentions in this here news section.
And depending on how uptight you are, there weren’t enough album details in that there “innerview,” but here’s what we know regardless: the album’s called Singer’s Grave a Sea of Tongues, and it’s out September 23 on Drag City. Apparently there’s a conceptual track on the album that revolves around two people who died on a single day in 1973. And the brief Drag City description says the following: “At the locus of five corners, mythos is in the wind; a sea of tongues boils forth, mountains spurting forth from the magma. Bonny sings for who he was and will be, and for all of us, in time.” Hm, yes.
Here you go, then:
• Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy: http://royalstablemusic.com
• Drag City: http://www.dragcity.com
More about: Bonnie 'Prince' Billy, Will Oldham