Hail! And farewell! The bonny prince himself — goes by Billy or sometimes Will — is an erstwhile Wolfroy, and he who walks wagging down the asphalt looking for glass windows cracked for his glad gaze has made big his mouth hole and shouted emissions of language and sound and exclamatory gestures only he, the noise-roided wolf, could dare to spackle forth these dim days anyhow, and these noises, known by few in some parts and by more in others, they find themselves magnified electronically, recombined by digital clouds and rained down on the eye stalks of a grinning public only ever wanting to order their reality in lists of dates and locations and various punctuation that dare to indicate this friend or that friend or this festival or that in some small or small-ish town in Austria we’d imagine, or if not, maybe amongst the Swiss or the Michiganders brewing beer (he’s familiar, at least, with that much), supported all the while by the live band of long-term buds like Danny Kiely on the bass, Van Campbell drumming, Drew Miller with a saxophone, and Chris “Roadie” Rodahaffer fashioning chunks of fallen trees into externally-powered non-air guitars, supported sometimes by Faun Fables and other times by Lutto Lento and Piotr Kurek, and other times by a mere nation-state.
TL;DR: Bonnie “Prince” Billy is going on tour. The dates are below.
07.15.15 - Chicago, IL - Old Town School of Folk Music *
07.16.15 - Kalamazoo, MI - Bell’s Brewery *
07.23.15 - Dornbirn, Austria - Dornbirn Conrad Sohm #
07.24.15 - Sittersdorf, Austria - Lakeside Festival
07.25.15 - Vienna, Austria - Arena #
07.26.15 - Linz, Austria - Rosengarten #
07.27.15 - Zurich, Switzerland - Kaufleuten #
* Faun Fables
# Lutto Lento and Piotr Kurek
[Photo: Elsa Hansen]
• Bonnie “Prince” Billy: http://royalstablemusic.com
More about: Bonnie 'Prince' Billy, Will Oldham