Legendary ambient/glam auteur Brian Eno is releasing a new album, Small Craft on a Milk Sea, on Warp Records this fall. Slated for a November 2 release in the US, Small Craft is a joint effort between Eno and electronica dude Jon Hopkins and guitarist Leo Abrahams (TMT News). Abrahams worked with Eno as well as David Byrne on Everything That Happens Will Happen Today, Byrne and Eno’s second collaboration together.
If you’re one of those people who’s like, “Bwaa — what do I care about a measly album release? I want the COLLECTOR’S EDITION! The more stickers and informational booklets, the better!” then boy has Warp got a deal for you. Small Craft is getting not only the Limited Edition Box Set treatment (complete with vinyl and CD versions, plus a lithographic print), but also the Collector’s Edition Box Set treatment (with vinyl and CD versions, unique, signed, and numbered screen print.) That’s right, you can be the owner of something Brian Eno took a pencil and numbered with his own Eno hand. How collector-y!
• Brian Eno: http://brian-eno.net
• Leo Abrahams: http://www.leoabrahams.com
• Jon Hopkins: http://www.jonhopkins.co.uk
• Warp: http://warp.net