The wondrous time-consuming distraction for drone freaks known as the Buddha Machine is always a great stocking-stuffer idea. What better gift for the difficult-to-shop-for Brian Eno fan, who already owns every release from Editions Mego, than a handy, pocket-sized electronic loop creator?
Of course, there are also those types of people who are either environmentally conscientious, tech-obsessed, or pray to the ghost of Steve Jobs before bed each night, for whom you must provide a virtual stocking for their digital avatar to receive after descending their CGI stairway on Xmas morning (or whatever religious equivalent that the cult of Jobs celebrates). Well, patiently tolerating those two excruciating qualities of your droner pal will pay off this holiday season in the form of a free gift opportunity.
For four more days, the Buddha Machine iPad app will be available for free download! So now you can leave a secret surprise on your loved one’s tablet thingy that will bring them cheer through to the new year! Imagine the smell of freshly baked cookies, the warmth of the fireplace, the family sharing funny stories, and then awkward little Timmy, with a hoodie over his head, in the corner poking around on that damned iPad and making all kinds of dissonant noise. “Goddammit Timmy,” Dad will moan, “turn that shit off. It’s time to listen to The Carpenters’ Christmas records.”
• iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/buddha-machine-ipad-edition/id394619578
• Buddha Machine: http://www.fm3buddhamachine.com/v2