It’s never any fun to advocate resignation, but…when 10 years come and go following the latest Burial LP, it just might be time to give up hope. Just like how it might be time to give up hope for a selfie of the man that doesn’t pre-date the term, and which is awkwardly used everywhere these days because it’s the only non-candid photo we’ve got of the contentedly private musician.
Either way, we can always count on those severely contoured cheekbones to appear whenever news concerning his latter day work rolls rolls around — news, which, for better or worse, usually involves some teency-weency new micro-release that tragically leaves us desperately wanting more from the clandestine EDM champ. Consider the “Rodent” single released on Hyperdub just a few weeks ago…and before that, there was the Subtemple release, which clocked in at just over 17 minutes! (Ugh. Are fans doomed to endure this extremely gradual driiiiiiiip of music for however long Burial remains un-buried!??)
Oh well. Take what you can get, my friends. Because here’s another Burial release that barely whets the palate. It’s an EP called Pre Dawn/Indoors, and it’s out officially October 27 as his first release on the London-based NonPlus Records (pre-order on vinyl and download right here). On the plus side, NonPlus has beneficently uploaded a couple of 128 kbps clips, which you can listen to below if you find the will to suppress your inner audiophile. That bit rate is terrible! The music sounds okay, though.

Pre Dawn/Indoors tracklisting:
01. Pre Dawn
02. Indoors
More about: Burial