Once upon a time, way back when, before you could send your young ones to school with GPS attached to them, there was that one bus driver who smelled like he never used dental floss and he’d make fun of your (actually awesome) holographic Cabbage Patch lunchbox. Then, one day he died and you were all, “I’m too young to understand death, so whatever, no more insults from the bus driver. Free at last!”
Anyway, that story has nothing to do with anything except that the mean old dead guy shared a name with the dude who’s collaborating with Del the Funky Homosapien. Yep, that radical weirdo Busdriver is set to release an EP with the legendary Del the Funky Homosapien. Or if you’re in the know you might refer to him as “Del tha Funkee Homosapien,” who is one of the very few highlights to come out of Oakland. You punk-ass snitches better recognize. Busdriver, just like your breast feeding high school “friends”, took to his Facebook page to share the news.
(Fair warning: if you’re going to click over to Busdriver’s site make sure you’ve already eaten something as scrumptious as those Voodoo Doughnuts look.)
• Busdriver: http://busdriverse.com
• Del the Funky Homosapien: http://delthefunkyhomosapien.hifidev.com