BUZZZZZZZZZ! Is no sound more terrifying than the shrill buzz of a swarm of angry bees? Don’t bother to answer, because NO sound is more terrifying than the shrill buzz of a swarm of angry bees. Fol Chen, because they possess the same fears and anxieties that normal humans possess, know this all too well. To escape from a bee-filled nightmare, the California funk eccentrics have cleverly booked a summer tour that not even the craftiest insect could follow. Brooklyn weirdos Liars will join Fol Chen on parts of their escape route, even though they are actually more concerned with the equally terrifying threat of furious hornets.
Their new album, Part II: The New December, is due July 6 via Asthmatic Kitty.
Fol Chen’s escape from yellow-and-black death:
07.06.10 - Los Angeles, CA - The Echo
07.07.10 - San Francisco, CA - Bottom of the Hill
07.09.10 - Seattle, WA - Sunset Tavern
07.10.10 - Portland, OR - Doug Fir Lounge
07.11.10 - Vancouver, BC - Media Club
07.13.10 - Minneaplois, MN - First Avenue *
07.14.10 - Madison, WI - High Noon Saloon *
07.15.10 - Milwaukee, WI - Turner Hall *
07.17.10 - Detroit, MI - Magic Stick *
07.18.10 - Newport, KY - The Southgate House *
07.20.10 - Nashville, TN - Exit / In *
07.21.10 - Bloomington, IN - Rhino’s Youth Center *
07.22.10 - St. Louis, MO - Firebird *
07.23.10 - Lawrence, KS - Bottleneck *
07.24.10 - Denver, CO - Bluebird *
* Liars
• Fol Chen: http://www.myspace.com/folchen
• Asthmatic Kitty: http://asthmatickitty.com