Casiotone For The Painfully Alone, the ridiculously long moniker of musician Owen Ashworth’s one-man group, will be touring (actually HAS been touring) to promote his new Town Topic EP, which boasts 15 tracks in a measly 22 minutes. The EP, which serves as a soundtrack to the film Stay The Same Never Change, features 13 short instrumentals, kicking off and closing with vocal tracks. The first track, “Ice Cream Truck, is charmingly described as “a simulated July soundscape of Mr. Softee jingles, cicadas and trunk-rattling bass from passing cars, tells the story of criminal-minded kids who go joy-riding in a stolen ice cream truck and make other poorly-informed decisions along the way.”
While we're on the topic (sort of), I have a couple side notes: (1) Casiotone For The Painfully Alone’s Etiquette (TMT Review) is my favorite “sleeper” album of 2006, and (2) Ashworth has got to be one of the only people on Earth who can make CCR romantic, with the fantastic track "I Love Creedence." Okay, I just had to get that off my chest -- thanks for listening!
CFTPA East Coast Tourdates: