Friends, neighbors, watchers of various popular television programs! Please! Gather near unto me! For it is I, Tour Date Formatting Boy. I have returned again from deep within the heart of the Tiny Mix Tapes content management system, where TMT news editor Dan Smart has imprisoned me in order to impart unto you knowledge of a freshly announced tour by Chris Forsyth and his Solar Motel Band alongside Sunwatchers.
Though it has been many years since I have traveled farther than the text boxes and HTML tags of this humble content management system where I am trapped against my will — and even longer since I have seen the sun — I have heard tell that large swathes of these United States and Canada are “quite nice this time of year.” And since it bothers me not at all to write about not one but two artists whose names reference the great glowing orb in space whose warmth I have not felt in many years, I wish them well as they traverse their various paths.
Sadly, however, I must now return to my chambers, for the tour dates that are my charge will not format themselves in the precise manner expected by my power-mad overlord. Thank you for lending me your ears. I hope that one day you and I might walk side by side on a long road. However, in my heart I know that Dan would never allow that.
The Tour Dates I Formatted For You, Sir:
04.26.18 - Washington, DC - DC9
05.02.18 - Cleveland, OH - Happy Dog
05.03.18 - Detroit, MI - Trinosophes
05.04.18 - Chicago, IL - Hideout
05.05.18 - Milwaukee, WI - Psych Fest
05.06.18 - Lafayette, IN - The Spot
05.08.18 - Toronto, ON - Monarch Tavern
05.09.18 - Montreal, QC - Distortion Psych Fest
05.10.18 - Kingston, NY - BSP
05.11.18 - New York, NY - NUBLU
05.12.18 - Philadelphia, PA - Philamoca
06.09.18 - Minneapolis, MN - Turf Club
06.10.18 - Madison, WI - Marquette Waterfront Festival
More about: Chris Forsyth, Sunwatchers