Cloudland Canyon is not the name of a roller coaster in a Care Bears-themed amusement park.
Cloudland Canyon is not the title of a new fantasy-thriller movie about an astronaut who chases dust storms across Martian plateaus and catches comets with a butterfly net.
Cloudland Canyon is a state park in Georgia.
Cloudland Canyon is also an ambient-psych group fronted by Kip Uhlhorn, formerly of Panthers. The group hasn’t released much since Fin Eaves back in 2010 (TMT Review). Maybe they’ve been building that roller coaster or making that astronaut movie or maybe just watching episodes of Fraggle Rock on old VHS tapes. Either way, they’re planning to release three 12-inch EPs on three different labels before the end of the year. First is Aureliua (pictured above), a record that centers on the cosmic cycling of the 13-minute title track, out October 23 via UK label The Great Pop Supplement; check out that track below. Second is the disco groove of Prophetic Frequencies, out just a week later on October 30 via the Austin-based Monofonus Press. And finally, Born Blonde/Sea Cycles will be out on December 4 via Trensmat, an Irish label. Sonic Boom (a.k.a Peter Kember) of Spacemen 3 and Spectrum did all of the mastering at his New Atlantis Studios in Rugby, UK.
Now, how about a scavenger hunt to track down all these damn records?
Aureliua tracklist:
01. Closer
02. Aureliua
03. Light Falling
Prophetic Frequencies tracklist:
01. Prophetic Frequencies
02. Sundowners
Born Blonde/Sea Cycles tracklist:
01. Born Blonde
02. Sea Cycles
• Cloudland Canyon: http://soundcloud.com/cloudlandcanyon
• The Great Pop Supplement: http://www.greatpopsupplement.com
• Trensmat: http://www.trensmat.com
• Monofonus Press: http://monofonuspress.com
More about: Cloudland Canyon