Sure, Godspeed You! Black Emperor might’ve illuminated the Montreal-based Constellation inside your mental galaxy to begin with, but is it necessary to point out the extended credits that (generalization incoming) have made an enduring spectacle out of theoretical anarchy, apocalypse, and/or widespread downtroddenness? Maybe a little bit: it’s been nearly five years since Other Truths (TMT Review), but Do Make Say Think have apparently been working on a new full-length (according to the uncited, inerrant word of Wikipedia), and Evangelista’s reigning “art-punk heroin” Carla Bozulich has a new solo album Boy out next week. Turns out, through total coincidence, the two aforementioned acts are among a handful featured on a Constellation-focused documentary, crafted by La Blogothèque and set for streaming, well, now!
To get a better sense, it might be necessary to consider “documentary” as a term loosely-defined. Two years ago, La Blogothèque was invited by Viennale, the Vienna International Film Festival, to film around the Austrian capital. And like an exclusive partygoer taking liberties with the +1, Directors François Clos and Thomas Lallier opted to bring along Constellation artists Matana Roberts, Do Make Say Think, Mike Moya of Hrsta, Hangedup, Elfin Saddle, Eric Chenaux, and Carla Bozulich for the sake of showcasing their music in an “unknown place,” “far away from stage.” And We Made The Room Shine reportedly consists of eight “stripped-down performances” in the city. Also around this time: the celebration of 15 years since Constellation’s inception.
So really, it’s not a documentary at all, but a super artistic label dedication, of sorts! I guess! Could be cool!
• La Blogothèque: http://en.blogotheque.net
• Constellation: http://cstrecords.com
More about: Carla Bozulich, Do Make Say Think, Matana Roberts