Continuum’s Kraftwerk book is both smarter and cooler than you

Continuum's Kraftwerk book is both smarter and cooler than you

Looking for a little light holiday reading? Try this new book called Kraftwerk: Music Non-Stop! It’s being released by Continuum (most well-known for its 33 1/3 series) and is now available in the United States. It includes original essays such as “Average White Band: Kraftwerk and the Politics of Race” and “Kraftwerk and the Image of the Modern.” Whooooooa! Can this book enroll in college classes for me and write my essays? Because I have a feeling its chances of getting into both Harvard and this top-secret Thanksgiving loft party DJed by M.I.A., Chloë Sevigny, and the reanimated corpse of Andy Warhol in Dumbo that my friend told me about are, like, astronomically better than mine.

Kraftwerk: Music Non-Stop table of contents:

• Introduction: The (Ger)man Machines

• I. Music, Technology and Culture
1. Autobahn and Heimatklänge: Soundtracking the FRG
2. Kraftwerk and the Image of the Modern
3. Kraftwerk – The Decline of the Pop Star
4. Authentic Replicants: Brothers between Decades between Kraftwerk(s)
5. Kraftwerk: Technology and Composition
6. Kraftwerk: Playing the Machines

• II. Influences and Legacies
7. Europe Non- Stop: West Germany, Britain and the Rise of Synthpop 1975–81
8. Vorsprung durch Technik – Kraft werk and the British Fixation with Germany
9. ‘Dragged into the Dance’ – The Role of Kraftwerk in the Development of Electro- Funk
10. Average White Band: Kraftwerk and the Politics of Race
11. Trans-Europa Express: Tracing the Trance Machine

• Continuum:
• 33 1/3:

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